Bad Hair Day Stories

We are all human and, unless we can afford to have an army of hair stylists by our side at every moment, we are going to have a bad hair day.

The team here at Hot hairstyles feel your pain when it comes to bad hair days. We hope that some of our suggestions, including those at Hair Care Tips, will help avoid some hairstyle issues and if not then Hairstyle Damage Control can assist you with some intelligent ideas for dealing with the carnage.

We all have bad hair days at some time or another. Since even the best laid hair plans can fail, every one of us has an experience (or two) that has been so embarrassing that we want to forget about it and return to the womb. If the first step toward recovery is truly admitting we have a problem, then we have a solution for you that helps you avoid returning to the womb! We have created a venue, a healing mecca — if you will — to share your horrible experience for others to read.

We hope to collect a wide range of stories that have happened, so please feel free to contact us with yours. Let us know about the prom hairstyle gone bad, the wedding day hair that rained on your parade, or any other terrible event…and let the healing process begin! Pictures are welcome, if you haven’t burned them all. Send your story to us and we’d love to display any photos!

Once we have compiled and read the submitted entries, we will post them for everybody to see. (We will withhold your name for your privacy if you want too!)

Be sure to return to read the bad hair day experiences that have happened to others!

The hot hairstyles website is currently adding a new section to our site for bad hair days. Our hair styles can’t always radiate health and beauty! This will be an opportunity to share, as well as read about other’s, experiences with horrible hair cuts. Have a terrible story? Be sure to submit any funny hairstyles stories and then let the healing process begin! Return often, we plan to update this continuously.

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